Friday, March 11, 2011

Cozzoli's Pizza - 704 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701

So here's the good and bad at Cozzoli's:

You can buy one slice with whatever toppings you want (among various other menu choices).  Granted, they take a slice of cheese pizza that's been sitting out for who knows how long, add the toppings, and then bake it for a few minutes.  I didn't count off for that, though, because you'll find that at any pizza place that sells by the slice, whether or not they're willing to add toppings to the slice (hello, Onion).

The pizza surprisingly tastes great.  They cut up the hamburger meat very fine, and that somehow makes it better.  The crust is wonderfully crunchy.

The guy brought my slice out to me, which was nice.  I don't know if they do that during the lunch crunch, though.

The thing I don't like is that they have a lunch deal that gives you a slice of pizza plus a drink for $5... but only if you get a fountain drink.  The problem is, the only diet drink they have on tap is Diet Coke.  I didn't even see the soda fountain (hidden behind the counter) until after I pointed to a can of Diet Dr. Pepper in the fridge when he asked if I wanted a drink.  God only knows if they have iced tea back there.  I got charged 33 extra cents for the canned drink.  I know I sound like a cheapskate, but come on.  I later saw the fountain cup size; I could fit more soda from the tap into that cup than I got in my can.  Seems to me they should be charging extra for fountain drinks instead of canned ones.   And I think the likelihood of getting a free refill on a fountain drink is slim with the fountain being behind the register.

Stupid me, I forgot to bring the coupon I printed from their website:  "Buy a one-topping slice and medium drink, GET YOUR SECOND SLICE FREE." 

It's tough having a tasty pizza place in the neighborhood.  I will want to eat there fairly often, but I know I can't do that.  Once, maybe twice, per month is all I will allow myself.

Two complaints:

(1)  Change the channel on the TV.  Watching Headline News is nothing short of subjecting your customers to the old Chinese Water Torture.  Seriously, if you want your customers to enjoy the pizza, put on something more interesting.  Even daytime soaps on ABC would be better.
(2)  Get a diet soda in your fountain other than Diet Croak.

Cozzoli's isn't the absolute greatest pizza ever, but I think people who compare it negatively to The Onion are soft in the skull. 

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